
Guided by our resolve to financially support African-American “C” students, the Anna V. Waters Scholarship Fund invests in their postsecondary education. Our strategy is to increase the number of community supporters investing in our scholars’ education and celebrating our students’ worth.


 Invest in a Student

Help us fulfill our commitment to deserving students.



African-American students with a 2.0-2.9 GPA may apply.

  • “I am sincerely honored to receive the Anna V. Waters Scholarship for this year. Thank you for your generosity, which allows me to take my classes virtually cost-free.”

  • “My academic and career goals are lofty which is why I am extremely grateful to be a recipient of this scholarship. I look forward to furthering my education and making an impact in my community!”

  • “Reflecting upon my journey through the nursing profession, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the opportunities that have shaped my career path. Furthermore, I am ever so thankful for the Anna V. Waters Scholarship and its Supporters, as the receipt of this scholarship catalyzed my growth and development in this profession since 2021”

  • “This award will help me to get closer to my goal to owe little to no debt this school year. I am excited to start the next journey in my life.”


 Jazz on the Green

We celebrate our donor families and scholarship recipients every year with our annual Jazz on the Green gathering and fundraiser. Join us for music and food as we recognize our scholarship recipients and supporters.

Click here to register!